Hi my name is Cly and I am Digital based Illustrator

Hi! My name is Cly, I am mainly a digital illustrator :) While I do mainly draw fictional characters off the internet, I do have a few OCs of my own. Though I am always up for drawing other's OCs and imagined characters!Likes:
-Cats (superior)
-Video Games (Bioshock, DBH, RDR, COD, etc...)
-TV Shows (Hannibal, 'Love, Death and Robots', Good Omens, Bones etc...)
-Films (Spiderverse ofc, Ghibli Studio films, Lego Batman<3, etc...)
-Honestly just name the series, film or game and I'll probably know it
Random Facts:
-My favorite moth is the Venezuelan poodle moth (search it up, you will not regret it)
-My favourite colour is now red :)

If you want to commission me, please make sure you have:
+Read my 'Terms Of Service'
+Looked at pricing and commission types
+DMed me on any of my socials (Twitter, Kofi...etc)
To avoid miscommunications in the future :)
{Transactions are discussed in private and made over on my Kofi}


Commission Pricing

Sketch: £5
Greyscale Render: £25
Full Colour render: £30
Sketch: £15
Greyscale Render: £40
Full Colour render: £50
3/4 Body
Sketch: £30
Greyscale Render: £50
Full Colour render: £60


+detailed background: +50% of original price
+1 Character: +75% of original price (per character)
+If I am designing the whole character from scratch I will charge (up to) +100% of the original price!

-basically just a headshot with less detail due to how small it will be
Full colour render: £25

Please Note: I usually work in A4 (2480px by 3508px) at 300DPI, thought this can be negotiated when commissioning. Please go through my TOS before commissioning me. Acknowledge that commissions for commercial use WILL cost more than a personal commission (pricing will be discussed in private)

WILL Draw:

-Fictional characters
-Original Characters (please come prepared with picture references and a detailed description of your character)
-Multiple characters
-Simple backgrounds
-Characters with non-human features (e.g. cat ears, lizard eyes, etc...)
-Digital Illustrations

WON'T Draw:

(Please remember I have the right to refuse a commission if including the following)
-Potentially offensive content
-Romatic pairings involving Pedophilia/ incest/ etc